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Life in the Sixth Form



Studying in the Sixth Form is very different to studying in Key Stage 4.

Our Sixth Form students follow the same school day as the younger students, with three 100 minute teaching periods separated by break times. Each Sixth Form course has three lessons per week, totalling a full five hours of teaching time per subject.

The day starts at 8:30am with a tutor period (known as Period 1). The Period 1 Curriculum covers a range of important topics including:

  • Having an 'A-Level Mindset', using a highly successful programme to improve academic progress 
  • Careers and University guidance, including information about application processes and modern apprenticeships
  • Personal and social education, including mental health, politics, relationships education and finance for life.
  • Year group assemblies

With Sixth Form students typically studying three or four subjects, their timetables will include between two and five 'Private Study Periods' each week. Students are expected to be highly independent learners, taking full responsibility for their own academic progress, and use their Private Study time effectively to support their learning in class and at home. Sixth Form students are expected to complete at least five hours of Private Study per subject each week. Our main study area for Private Study Periods is G2, which has facilities for quiet study including more than sixty computers.

During their breaks and lunches, Sixth Form students have access to a number of dedicated spaces. G2 is used as a common room space during breaks, along with the adjoining outdoor space, both of which are for the use of Sixth Form students only. G2 also has its own cafeteria servery, exclusively for the use of Sixth Form students.

Sixth Form students are supported by a Year Manager, Mrs Garrod. Her role is to support Sixth Form students, working with the Head of Sixth Form to ensure that all students make good progress, whilst also supporting their health and wellbeing. We also have Study Support Officer, Mrs Strutt, who supervises students during their Private Study periods and works to ensure that students have good attendance.

The Sixth Form Charity Week is a big part of our ethos, supporting a chosen local charity. Every year the week before the October half-term is designated as Charity Week, with a huge range of activities organised by Sixth Form students to raise money....each year we have everything from talent shows to cake sales, treasure hunts to 'Soak A Sixth Former'!

Our Senior Prefect Team are appointed in the spring term each year, with all Year 12 students eligible to apply. Our Head Boy and Head Girl lead the team, following a rigorous selection process. The team have a range of responsibilities across the school.

Students from other schools who are considering applying to study in the Sixth Form are encouraged to attend our annual Sixth Form Open Evening which is held in November. Applicants are also offered a chance to have a tour of the school, either during the school day or after school. Further details can be found in the Sixth Form Prospectus.

I hope that this gives you a taste of our work in the Sixth Form; if there is anything else you would like to know about the Sixth Form, please feel free to get in touch.

Mr M Smith

Assistant Headteacher & Head of Sixth Form (